“Humility in its largest sense is the knowledge of the true human position in the cosmic scale”
The Chinese Medicine Philosophy
Chinese medicine is a natural science, a philosophy and a manual for taking care of ourselves, body, mind and spirit. Looking at the world through the prism of Chinese philosophy we can begin to understand nature and our place within it. We can find clues about how our lives have shaped our physical bodies. We can learn to respect our limitations and empower ourselves to move towards better health.
Each of us is unique. All of us have been moulded by a unique series of experiences, from the moment of conception all the way up until this moment. Our bodies remember everything. They are our own unique life-map. A Chinese medicine practitioner is skilled at reading the life-map of your body, allowing them to create acupuncture sessions and herbal remedies that meet you where you are and take your uniqueness into account.
Diagnostic Techniques
Pulse Reading
Pulse reading is an extremely subtle art. Reading the pulse involves feeling the pulse in three positions at each wrist, with each position relating to specific organs and physiological systems. We are not only measuring the speed and strength of the pulse, but also the depth and character, and assessing that way the different pulse positions relate to one and other.
The pulse is a manifestation of the way Yang and Blood are moving in the body. For example, if the pulse is floating at the surface this may indicate that the Yang has come up to the surface to fight a cold or flu. If the pulse is very deep and weak this may indicate that Yang is submerged under an excess of water and might be indicative of a condition such as oedema or a urinary problem.
The ‘wiry’ pulse, is one we see very commonly in the clinic. It feels like a guitar string zinging under the finger and is an indication that Yang is not moving smoothly throughout the body. This ‘stuckness’ can cause symptoms such are headaches and one-sided musculoskeletal problems, as well as a good deal of stress and frustration!
Tongue Diagnosis
I’m aware it can feel pretty weird poking your tongue out at a stranger, but diagnosing tongues is a completely normal part of my day!
The tongue is a representation of the whole body in miniature. It presents a snapshot of your health to a Chinese Medicine practitioner. We look at the shape, size and colour of the tongue as well as the texture and colour of the coating. For example, a small, strawberry-coloured tongue without much coating shows a lack of fluids, while a large, flabby tongue with scalloped edges and a greasy coat indicate an excess of dampness.
A lot of people scrape off their tongue coating these days, but it helps us get an accurate reading if you leave it be on the day you come in for a session.
Abdominal Palpation
Abdominal palpation involves feeling the belly to get an idea of the inner terrain, looking for clues that might help us to understand your condition better. For example, we look for areas that are especially hot or cold, dry or clammy skin and areas of musculature that are particularly lax or tense. We also discover knots in places where Qi and blood have stagnated. This information is used to create acupuncture and herb solutions that really fit you, and get to the root of the issue.